An event with Positive Impact

Our Commitment to a Positive Impact!

At Schmidt Groupe, we are determined to enhance our positive impact in line with our 2030 strategy. That's why, for Euroforum 2024, we have made strong commitments through responsible initiatives.

Sustainable Mobility: We promote the use of public transport and environmentally friendly transportation methods to facilitate travel.

Reduction of Single-Use Plastics:
We commit to reducing the use of disposable plastics.

Responsible Dining:
We select flexitarian and local dining options.

Reuse and Recycling:
We maximize the reuse or recycling of exhibition items, scenic decorations, and signage.

100% Waste Recycling:
We commit to sorting all waste generated during Euroforum to minimize our environmental footprint.

Carbon Footprint Measurement:
We measure and openly communicate the Euroforum's carbon footprint to maintain transparency and accountability. Our ambition is to reduce twice the CO2 footprint of each participant compared to Euroforum 2022.

Social Inclusion:
We support the inclusion of people with disabilities, ensuring access and participation for all.

Eco Manifestation Alsace Certification:
Euroforum 2024 will be certified by the "Eco Manifestation Alsace" association.

Opt for Sustainable Transport

If you're coming from within 400 km, the train is your ally to arrive relaxed in Monaco. So, choose the train and enjoy the journey while reducing your carbon footprint.

When registering, we encourage you to record your carbon footprint. 

To discover your "positive impact", click on the link.

Join the train from Nice to Monaco to immerse yourself directly in the Euroforum atmosphere before reaching the Grimaldi Forum!

Every gesture counts in our collective pursuit towards a more sustainable future.

Combat Food Waste

Every small gesture counts. Serve with moderation and enjoy every bite. Together, we can make a difference!

Sort Waste

Play the recycling game! Recycling bins are available to help you easily. Together, let's make this Euroforum an example of cleanliness and respect for the environment.